Survey Results: Current Challenges in Equine Practice

AAEP members might not agree about the most important problems, but they do agree that change is happening in the profession.

The educational debt of new graduates and the increasing numbers of new veterinarians were the two concerns that garnered the most significant and critical importance responses. Thinkstock

The AAEP maintains a number of member listservs in which robust exchanges occur. Conversations often center on current issues in equine practice, or participants express concerns about certain veterinary industry developments. To gather more information about this latter topic, a four-question survey on “Challenges in Equine Practice” was posted on the General community listserv of the AAEP. One hundred fourteen veterinarians responded, of which 35% were male and 65% were female.

Editor’s note: EquiManagement ran an article on the results of this survey in the January/February 2017 magazine. Because of all of the charts it contained, we are publishing it as a download. You can click on the link below to open and download the article.

Current Challenges in Equine Practice

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