AAEP Colic Research Symposium Abstracts Sought

The 12th International Equine Colic Research Symposium will be hosted by AAEP Foundation and will be held in Lexington, Kentucky, on July 18-20, 2017 immediately following the AAEP Focus on Colic and Focus on Dentistry meetings, July 16-18, 2017. The deadline for submission of abstracts for the meeting is February 8, 2017 5:00 PM EST. The meeting format and guidelines for abstracts are listed below.

Meeting Format

The meeting format will be similar to previous Colic Research Symposia. Twelve minute oral presentations followed by three minutes for questions and discussion will take place in sessions throughout the two-and-a-half days of the meeting. Posters will be available for attendees to view throughout each day. Poster sessions on July 18 and 19 will expand beyond the oral presentations by giving attendees the opportunity to review and discuss with poster presenters. Scientists and clinicians are invited to submit abstracts of recent work that they wish to present at this meeting. The scientific committee will consider abstracts on all aspects of equine gastroenterology, including basic science research and reports of clinical cases or novel approaches to treatment. Recently submitted or work published within the last six months will also be considered.

Topics areas will include but are not limited to:

Surgical techniques




Gastric ulceration


Pharmacology of intestinal motility

Complications: Post-operative ileus, laminitis, adhesions etc.


Physiology of digestion

Microbiology, Microbiome

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 8, 2017, 5:00 PM EST.

The abstract should be submitted as a Word document, less than 250 words in length, single spacing, in 12 pt, Times New Roman font. All abstracts should be written in English. All authors should be listed together with their addresses in full. The presenter’s name should be underlined. Authors must indicate if the presentation is for oral presentation only, poster presentation only or suitable for either oral or poster presentation. Authors must also indicate if the abstract has been previously published. Click here to see an example abstract.

Authors considering submission of research papers to refereed journals based on the same information in a submitted abstract should be aware of the allowable length of abstracts by each journal to prevent a conflict with the abstract and future planned manuscript publication.

Authors must include the following information:


Institution or Practice


Telephone No. of the presenting author

Fax No. of the presenting author

Email Address of the presenting author

Abstracts must be saved as a ‘Microsoft Word Document (.doc or docx)’ in a PC-compatible format and should be submitted by email to cross@aaep.org. The file name should include the presenting author’s first name initial and last name.

Abstracts must be received in the AAEP office by 5:00 pm (EST) on February 8, 2017, for full consideration. Abstracts will be reviewed by the organizing committee and authors notified by email of acceptance as either oral or poster presentation within 8-10 weeks.

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