Additional Equine Influenza Cases in Washington State

Eleven more cases of equine influenza have been diagnosed in Washington state.

Airborne and fomite transmission are the most common ways to pass equine influenza from one horse to another.

Eleven more cases of equine influenza have been diagnosed in Washington state. There were at least a dozen confirmed cases of equine influenza prior to these recent cases. The state’s Department of Agriculture stated that most of the flu cases have occurred in unvaccinated horses.

An equine influenza fact sheet from the Equine Disease Communication Center is available online.

In the most recent cases, on November 28 the Washington State Department of Agriculture reported seven cases of equine influenza. Three cases were reported in Whatcom County, three in Snohomish County and one case in Thurston County. No quarantines have been established at this time.

December 6 The Washington Department of Agriculture has reported four cases if Equine Influenza. Two cases were confirmed in Snohomish County and two in Skagit County. Reports indicate that most of the Equine Influenza cases have occurred in unvaccinated horses.

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