Call for Abstracts for the National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics

The National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics (NAEAA) will be held June 24-28, 2014. The NAEAA Conference will be hosted by the University of Louisville Equine Industry Program (EIP) at the University of Louisville’s Shelby Campus conference facilities. Conference details can be found at

Abstracts may be submitted for either oral or poster presentation format review. The process is a one-time electronic submission to Dr. Katrina Merkies at with a deadline of Saturday, March 15.Please ensure that name of the corresponding author is included in the name of the file that is emailed.

Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by Tuesday, April 15.

Abstracts are encouraged from faculty, students, extension associates, administrators and industry professionals. Presentation and Poster Abstracts will be accepted within the following three areas:

1. Innovations in Equine Education Based on Applications of Scientific Method Tools/innovations for excellence in teaching, learning and assessment currently in use within the equine undergraduate discipline. Abstracts for this session are to be based on the scientific method with analysis and interpretation of data. Abstracts are encouraged from all spectrums of the discipline–science, management, equitation science, extension, industry outreach, equine assisted therapy, etc.–and all areas of education including administrative topics such as student recruitment/retention as well as financial sustainability.

2. Innovations in Other Disciplines with Applications to Equine Education Tools/innovations for excellence in teaching, learning, and assessment being used in other discipline/industry areas that have application for use in the equine undergraduate discipline. Abstracts that demonstrate cross-collaboration between equine and other department/industry areas are encouraged!

3. Educator’s Tool Box Presentation of creative or novel things being done in the classroom or in the field (abstracts do not require outcome/assessment data, although it is encouraged). A wide range of topics can be covered including new ideas and approaches to classes, academic programs, extension programs, course material, industry outreach and connection, career exploration and placement. New approaches that have early success and excitement but are not yet fully assessed are welcome.

NAEAA abstracts are limited to 750 words and, if accepted, will be published electronically as submitted. Copy should be checked for accuracy, content and typographical errors prior to submission, as accepted abstracts are intended to be printed in the proceedings “as submitted.” Abstract acceptance, program scheduling and the form of presentation will be communicated via e-mail only to the person listed as the correspondent.

NAEAA 2014 Submission Details

In advance of the abstract, please provide the following information:

  • Corresponding Author Name
  • Corresponding Author Contact Information; e-mail and phone
  • Presentation preference: oral presentation or poster. Note:Some submissions for oral presentation may be referred to the poster session as time constraints dictate.

Submission section:

1. Innovations in Equine Education Based on Applications of the Scientific Method

2. Innovations in Other Disciplines with Applications to Equine Education

3. Educator’s Tool Box

Abstract format must be in Times New Roman 12-point font; double spaced title and name, single spaced body of text.

  • First Line: Title (in Bold)
  • Second Line: Author(s) name (full first and last) followed by Name and Location (State)
  • Body of Text not to exceed 750 words
  • File must be PC compatible in Microsoft Word
  • 12 point Times New Roman font
  • Single Spaced body of text

REMINDER: Please ensure that the name of the corresponding author is included in the name of the file that is emailed

Presentation information: LCD projectors will be used for oral presentations. Files containing presenter slides will be loaded at the meeting. Instructions for preparation of poster presentations will be available at the NAEAA website after review of abstracts has been completed. The scheduled time for presentations is 15 minutes (12 minute presentation, 3 minute Q&A).

Session layout: The dates and times of oral presentations and the poster session will be determined after review of abstracts. Submissions may be grouped based on themes that emerge during submission review.

Registration details will be sent as soon as conference costs are finalized. We encourage you to visit the NAEAA website for additional information including housing and travel options. We look forward to receiving your abstract!

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