EquiManagement, Dechra Bring You Bone and Joint Awareness Month 

Catch up on recent research about equine bone and joint health during this awareness month brought to you by Dechra.

Equine veterinarians are frequently confronted with bone and joint problems in their patients. Conditions such as fractures and degenerative joint disease are common causes of poor performance and lameness, and diagnosing and managing these conditions can be challenging.  

For Bone and Joint Awareness Month, starting Feb. 1, 2025, EquiManagement has partnered with Dechra, the manufacturer of Zycosan, to highlight recent research on bone and joint conditions in horses.  

Research topics will include systemic and intra-articular therapies for lame horses, radiographic prepurchase abnormalities in sport horses, rib fractures as a cause of poor performance, and more.  

Look for content all month on EquiManagement.com, on our Facebook and Instagram pages, and in our e-newsletters.  

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