On Wednesday, June 20, 2018, an attending veterinarian confirmed an outbreak of botulism in Chester Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada. A 12-year-old Arabian/Quarter Horse cross gelding and a 26-year-old Arabian gelding were euthanized. An 8-year-old Standardbred mare and a 7-year-old and 10-year-old Zonkey jack and jenny are showing clinical signs, including inability to swallow, muscle fasciculations/tremors, and increased recumbency. One horse also presented with a stiff-strided gait and another with colic.
From eight to 20 horses were exposed, but no quarantine is in place as botulism cannot be spread from horse to horse.
For more information about botulism, visit https://aaep.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Outside%20Linked%20Documents/BOTULISM_Final.pdf