Equine Rabies in Adams County, Colorado

A Miniature Horse and a skunk were euthanized and confirmed positive for rabies on a property in Adams County, Colorado.

A Miniature Horse and a skunk were euthanized and confirmed positive for rabies on a property in Adams County, Colorado. iStock/Frank Ramspott

The Colorado Department of Agriculture and Public Health and Environment confirmed a case of equine rabies in Adams County. The 12-year-old Miniature Horse had onset of clinical signs on May 25 that included ataxia, depression, mild fever, neurologic signs and weakness. The unvaccinated Miniature Horse was euthanized and confirmed on June 3.

There is an official quarantine in place.

The Colorado Departments of Agriculture and Public Health and Environment worked in collaboration with Tri-County Health Department. 

This is the second case of rabies in domestic livestock in Colorado this year. The first case was in January in Eagle County in a mule.

Information for this report was provided by the Equine Disease Communication Center.

In addition, a report in The Denver Post said a skunk that was “acting strangely” on the same property was put down and tested positive for rabies.

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