Equine Strangles in Montcalm County, Michigan

Four horses are affected by equine strangles in Montcalm County, Michigan.

Four cases of equine strangles occurred in Montcalm County, Michigan. Google maps

The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development reported on May 3 that four horses were affected by equine strangles in Montcalm County, Michigan. One horse was confirmed and three others are suspected of having the disease. One other horse was exposed.

A 4-year-old Quarter Horse gelding had onset of clinical signs on April 17 that included enlarged submandibular lymph nodes and nasal discharge. The unvaccinated horses is recovering.

A report from the Equine Disease Communication Center noted that there are five horses on the premises. Four of the five developed clinical signs, but only one of the four was tested for strangles. One of the affected horses had traveled to the farm within the prior month.

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