The following information was provided by Rusty Ford, Equine Operations Consultant, Office of the Kentucky State Veterinarian.
The Thoroughbred Center (TTC)
In earlier reports, Barns 3 and 30 were released from quarantine following our protocol of no known exposure to clinical cases in greater than 14 days, daily monitoring of the horses in each barn, and the barn’s population testing negative by PCR.
I am today able to report that Barn 7 (the barn we had used to quarantine and isolate horses that had been identified as EHV-1 positive by PCR testing) is now clear, and we are in the process of cleaning and disinfecting this barn.
With no positive horses remaining on the grounds, we have given the all clear to TTC’s management by announcing that there are no barns or horses at TTC under quarantine for EHV. All associated movement and training restrictions previously imposed are now rescinded. Additionally, with removal of this quarantine at TTC, we have no racing or training facilities in Kentucky under quarantine.
Releasing Kentucky EHV-1 Quarantines/Restrictions in Racing and/or Training Environments
The protocol we follow is established and implemented to manage the disease event and mitigate further disease transmission while continuing enabling us to maintain operational normalcy in a safe and effective manner.
The foundation we work from requires that the barn’s last exposure to clinical cases was greater than 14 days (adjusted upwards if warranted) and the barn’s entire population tested negative by PCR on both nasal swab and whole blood buffy coat.
Our opinion is that utilizing daily monitoring, defined time from last exposure, and having those findings supported by diagnostic testing that demonstrates the population is negative are essential to mitigating the risk associated with disease events in environments such as these. This protocol has worked well for us in the past and we appreciate the commitment, cooperation and diligence provided by all horsemen in response to efforts to manage disease risk as efficiently as possible.