The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food confirmed neurologic herpesvirus cases in the Municipality of Kawartha Lakes and Wellington County in Canada. These are the fifth and sixth reported cases of neurologic equine herpesvirus in Ontario this year.
In the Municipality of Kawartha Lakes, a 17-year-old gelding at a boarding facility had onset of clinical signs on March 24 that includes nasal discharge and ataxia. The horse was confirmed with equine herpesvirus on March 25. The vaccinated horse is recovering.
Seventeen horses at the facility were exposed. No other horses on the property have shown clinical signs.
This facility and horse are under veterinary supervision. The affected horse was isolated and the owner has instituted enhanced biosecurity procedures and animal movement restrictions.
Wellington County
A 19-year-old gelding pony had onset of clinical signs on MArch 24 that included difficulty urinating and ataxia. The pony was confirmed positive for equine herpesvirus on March 26. The vaccinated pony, which is alive and affected, is being treated at a referral hospital.
Seven other horses at the boarding facility were exposed. No other horses on the property are showing clinical signs. The facility manager has instituted biosecurity protocols and animal movement restrictions.
For more information about neurologic equine herpesvirus (also known as equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy or EHM), read this Fact Sheet.
Information for this report was provided by the Equine Disease Communication Center.