Multiple Eastern Equine Encephalitis Cases in Mississippi

In Jackson, Greene and Hancock Counties in Mississippi, seven horses died or were euthanized due to EEE.

Horses from Jackson, Greene and Hancock Counties in Mississippi were confirmed positive for EEE. iStock/Hagencd

Seven horses in Mississippi were confirmed with Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) in June and early July by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce. Following are the reports by county.

Jackson County: Five Cases

A 4-year-old grade mare was confirmed positive on June 7. She was euthanized. She was unvaccinated.

A 2-year-old Quarter Horse gelding was confirmed positive on June 19. He was euthanized. He was unvaccinated.

An 11-year-old Miniature Horse stallion was confirmed positive on June 25. He was euthanized. He was undervaccinated.

An 8-year-old Miniature Horse stallion was confirmed positive on June 26. He is deceased. He was undervaccinated.

A 3-year-old Thoroughbred mare was confirmed positive on July 10. She was euthanized. She was undervaccinated.

Greene County: One Case

A 6-year-old Quarter Horse mare was confirmed positive on June 25. She was euthanized. She was undervaccinated.

Hancock County: One Case

A suckling Quarter Horse filly was confirmed positive on July 7. She is deceased. She was undervaccinated.

Information for this report was provided by the Equine Disease Communication Center.

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