Oklahoma Reports Equine Herpesvirus Abortion

A Quarter Horse mare in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, aborted a late-term foal that tested positive for EHV-1.

A Quarter Horse mare in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, aborted a late-term foal that tested positive for EHV-1. Google maps

The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture reported that in Pontotoc County, a late-term aborted foal was found in the pasture during morning feeding from a mare that had shown no clinical signs of illness. 

The liver from the aborted foal was positive for EHV-1. Nasal swab and buffy coat tests for the 8-year-old Quarter Horse mare that aborted were negative for EHV-1. 

The affected mare was pastured with three other equines. There are no shared fencelines with other horses. None of the equines have left the premises in the past six months. 

These horses were placed under a 21-day quarantine without testing, and the owner is monitoring the horses closely for clinical signs of illness.

Information for this report was provided by the Equine Disease Communication Center.

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