Quarter Horse Confirmed with Equine Influenza in Oregon

A Quarter Horse gelding in Clackamas County, Oregon, was confirmed positive for equine influenza in April 2021.

A Quarter Horse gelding in Clackamas County, Oregon, was confirmed positive for equine influenza in April 2021. iStock

An attending veterinarian has reported a confirmed case of equine influenza in Clackamas County, Oregon. The 15-year-old Quarter Horse gelding had onset of clinical sign son April 13 that include cough and nasal discharge. He was confirmed on April 16. At the time of this report the horse was alive and affected.

There were 10 horses at the boarding facility that were exposed to the positive equine influenza index case.

Two Paint geldings on a private facility in Clackamas, Oregon, were confirmed positive with equine influenza, with two others suspected and four others exposed in late March 2021. Read about it here.

A 13-year-old Paint gelding was confirmed with equine influenza in Clackamas County, Oregon, on December 1, 2020. Read about it here.

For more information on equine influenza visit this Fact Sheet.

Information for this report was provided by the Equine Disease Communication Center.

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