Registration Open for 14th International Equine Colic Research Symposium

The event will take place July 10-12, 2024, in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Edinburgh, Scotland, where the 14th International Equine Colic Research Symposium will take place.
The 14th International Equine Colic Research Symposium will take place in Edinburgh.

Equine vets can absorb and digest the latest knowledge, clinical practice, and scientific advances in the treatment and prevention of colic at the 14th International Equine Colic Research Symposium. The event will take place July 10-12, 2024, in Edinburgh, Scotland. More than 120 oral and poster presentations will be delivered over three days by some of the world’s leading international equine gastroenterology experts.

The Equine Colic Research Symposium is a triennial event, which has been running for 42 years. It is hosted alternately by BEVA and the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP). 

The meeting will comprise 12-minute oral presentations on topics including surgical techniques, treatment, parasitology, gastric ulceration, endotoxemia, pharmacology of intestinal motility, colic complications, epidemiology, physiology of digestion, the intestinal microbiome and metabolomics. Each session will be followed by three minutes for questions and discussion. Poster sessions on the first two days will cover ground beyond the oral presentations, and delegates will be able to review and discuss the work with presenters.

There will also be plenty of opportunities to connect with other equine vets, researchers, and professionals during the three days; included in the ticket is a drinks reception and lunches on two of the days and an evening buffet and Ceilidh on one of the evenings. 

“This course is bursting with first class educational content from leading practitioners and researchers from around the world,” said BEVA President Roger Smith. “It’s an ideal way to intensively refresh your knowledge and get up to speed with the latest research over the course of three days with the added benefit of the beautiful city of Edinburgh to explore during your downtime.” 

Limited places are available for the Symposium. To find out more and to book online, visit

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