Sunday’s Round Table Conference to be Available Via Live Stream

The Jockey Club will provide a live video stream for Sunday’s 64th Annual Round Table Conference on Matters Pertaining to Racing from Saratoga Springs, New York. The two-hour conference begins at 10 a.m. EDT, and a link to the live video stream will be available at

In addition to the live stream, the event will be tweeted from @jockeyclub using #tjcroundtable.

A video replay of the Round Table Conference will be available later Sunday afternoon, and an official transcript of the proceedings will be available on The Jockey Club website the following day.

The entire list of speakers and topics, as well as speaker biographies, are now available on

The Jockey Club Round Table Conference was first held on July 1, 1953, in The Jockey Club office in New York City. The following year, it was moved to Saratoga Springs, where it has been held every August since.

Transcripts of every Round Table Conference are available in the “Resources” section of The Jockey Club website.

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