Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) confirmed equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM, or neurologic herpesvirus), in a Williamson County barrel racing horse on May 24, 2018. This is the third case of EHM in Texas in May 2018.
The newly identified horse showed signs of nasal discharge and ataxia when evaluated by a local veterinarian, and EHV-1 was confirmed by a recognized laboratory. The premises is under movement restrictions and TAHC staff is working closely with the owner and veterinarian to monitor potentially exposed horses and implement biosecurity measures.
Prior to confirmation of EHM, the horse attended a private training facility in Liberty Hill, Texas, on May 11, and barrel racing events at the Killeen Rodeo Outdoor Arena on May 12 and Williamson County Expo Center on May 5. TAHC has contacted event management, veterinarians and the training facility to ensure enhanced surveillance and biosecurity measures are taken.
For more information about EHM go to: https://aaep.org/sites/default/files/Documents/DiseaseFactsheetEHM.pdf.