Washington State Confirms Additional Equine Flu and Pigeon Fever Cases

Equine influenza was confirmed in Lewis County and pigeon fever in Spokane County in Washington state.

Equine influenza was confirmed in Lewis County and pigeon fever in Spokane County. iStock

The Washington State Department of Agriculture reported a confirmed case of equine influenza at a boarding facility in Lewis County. The facility is under a voluntary quarantine. Twenty horses are suspected of having equine influenza at the facility.

For an equine influenza AAEP Fact Sheet click here.

The Washington State Department of Agriculture reported a confirmed case of pigeon fever in Spokane County. An old horse with other health issues at a private facility tested positive for pigeon fever and was euthanized.

For more information about pigeon fever visit this AAEP Fact Sheet.

Information for this report was provided by the Equine Disease Communication Center.

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