Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit VII Available via Live Video Stream

The seventh Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit, scheduled for Tuesday, June 28, will be streamed live at grayson-jockeyclub.org/WelfareSafety/default.asp?section=50. (A link to the live stream will be available at jockeyclub.com.)

The summit, underwritten and organized by The Jockey Club and Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation, is being hosted by Keeneland Association in the Keeneland sales pavilion in Lexington, Kentucky.

Biosecurity, respiratory health, racetrack surfaces, equine injuries, nutrition, use of the crop, and rider safety are among the topics to be covered by noted industry and equine professionals.

Donna Barton Brothers will once again act as master of ceremonies.

The summit is scheduled to begin at 8:15 a.m. EDT and conclude at 5:00 p.m. EDT. It is free and open to the public, and registration is recommended for in-person and online. Registration and a complete agenda for the summit are available at grayson-jockeyclub.org/WelfareSafety/default.asp?section=50.

If you have questions for the speakers before or during the summit, please email horsesummit@jockeyclub.com or tweet using #horsesummit.

Among the initiatives that trace their roots to the Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit are the Equine Injury Database, the Jockey Injury Database, the Racing Surfaces Testing Laboratory, a uniform trainer test and study guide, and the annual publication of durability statistics by stallion.

Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation is traditionally the nation’s leading source of private funding for equine medical research that benefits all breeds of horses. Since 1983, the foundation has provided more than $23.3 million to fund 335 projects at 42 universities in North America and overseas. Additional information about the foundation and the summit is available at grayson-jockeyclub.org.

The Jockey Club, founded in 1894 and dedicated to the improvement of Thoroughbred breeding and racing, is the breed registry for North American Thoroughbreds. In fulfillment of its mission, The Jockey Club, directly or through subsidiaries, provides support and leadership on a wide range of important industry initiatives, and it serves the information and technology needs of owners, breeders, media, fans and farms. It is a founding member of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association and the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities and the architect and sole funding source for America’s Best Racing, the broad-based fan development initiative for Thoroughbred racing. You can follow America’s Best Racing at americasbestracing.net as well as on social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.

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