EquiManagement Magazine Fall 2020

You can read or download a complete PDF of the EquiManagement fall 2020 magazine from a link in this article.

Arnd Bronkhorst Photography

The fall issue of EquiManagement magazine included many topics on equine veterinary business and horse care. 


On page 4 in my Publisher’s Points column, I talk about The New Reality. I think it is better to call what we are living in now a “new reality” rather than the “new normal” because we are all old enough to know what “normal” looks like, and this ain’t it! 

In our Keeping Up section starting on page 6 we cover several unique topics: 

  • Cold Plasma for Wound Healing
  • Foal Pneumonia Treatment Without Antibiotics, and 
  • Duration of Vaccine Immunity and Antibody Titers.

 On page 14 you can read some original editorial written by Nancy S. Loving, DVM, on Gastric Ulcers and Stress. This article contains peer-reviewed research studies to help veterinarians understand the state-of-the-science of gastric ulcers in horses, and it is brought to you by Boehringer Ingelheim.

In the Business Briefs column written by Amy L. Grice, VMD, MBA, on page 20, she discusses Practice Software Needs. She warns that while the end result of getting a practice software that provides better practice performance, patient care and client relationships, be prepared for the transition to be onerous.

In our column on practical medicine on page 22 brought to you by Covetrus we bring you information from a presentation by Jacqueline Hill, DVM, DACVS-LA, or Littleton Equine Medical Center on Determining Synovial Involvement of a Wound.

Practice ownership is the key to financial success in equine practice, but a fair valuation is essential for the transaction to occur. Learn more in Understanding Practice Value on page 23.

The Latest on Laminitis article on page 32 provides research reviews on what causes laminitis, how to prevent it and how to treat it.

While Communicating Boundaries could be about trying to social distance in the age of the pandemic, this article by Colleen Best, DVM, PhD, is about setting rules or guidelines for how we interact with the world in order to allow us to live our lives with purpose. Boundaries are critical because they shape how we engage with the world, how we treat others and how others treat us.

Immunization and herd immunity are critical parts of keeping horses healthy, but it take knowledge to use them to their best effect. In Reclaiming Vaccinations on page 56, brought to you by Boehringer Ingelheim, we talk about how veterinarians can begin and follow through on the discussion of vet-administered vaccines with clients.

There are alternatives to feeling boxed in with non-stop emergency work on top of long days. In Alternatives to 24/7/365 Veterinary Practice on page 57, you can get tips on how to better allocate time between business and your personal life and potentially avoid burnout.

The Research Spotlight on page 62 discusses Equine Herpesvirus. As horss begin to circulate more to events and shows, veterinarians need to be aware of the potential of equine herpesvirus infections.

There is a special advertising section on page 38 of this issue of EquiManagement on Is Advanced Imaging only for The ‘Advanced’ Case? by Lea Walker, DVM, on behalf of Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging. The advertising article discusses CT and MRI and offers a case study on a 9-year-old warmblood eventing mare that presents with an acute and intermittent grade 3/5 RF lameness.


EquiManagement is a proud Media Partner of the AAEP, NEAEP, ISELP, AVMA PLIT, BEVA, WEVA, NZEVA, AMMVEE, EPM Society and AAEVT. 

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