The Business of Practice: Key Business Takeaways from the 2021 AAEP Convention

In this podcast, Dr. Amy Grice said those at the 2021 AAEP Convention felt "the tide was turning" in how equine veterinary practice is conducted.

In this podcast, Dr. Amy Grice said those at the 2021 AAEP Convention felt “the tide was turning” in how equine veterinary practice is conducted. iStock/Human Age

In Episode 26 of The Business of Practice podcast, brought to you by CareCredit, we talk with Amy Grice, VMD, MBA, about Key Business Takeaways from the 2021 AAEP Convention. 

· Dr. Grice was an equine practitioner for more than 20 years before starting Veterinary Business Consulting. She advises veterinarians and practice owners on a wide variety of projects and challenges, and she is the current AAEP Treasurer.


The Business of Practice podcast 
is brought to you by CareCredit

The 2021 AAEP Convention was just loaded with great business and veterinarian wellness information! We will have three feature articles in the Spring 2022 EquiManagement magazine that will cover some of the top issues, trends and facts about the equine veterinary industry. And in January, February and March, Grice will provide two articles per month that cover some of the business topics from the 2021 AAEP Convention. That information is also brought to you by CareCredit.

In this podcast, Grice offered us her “key takeaways” of what she thought was the most important topics from presentations, roundtables or even in the hallway.

Among the things she mentioned was that “the tide is turning” in how equine veterinary practice is conducted. “We’re having honest conversations about problems in the industry,” she said. “We are not an industry that turns quickly. A lot fo credit goes to 2022 President Dr. Emma Reed.” Grice said Reed was responsible for the “insightful” special session on retention of equine veterinarians.

Grice also mentioned Dr. Carol Clark, a leader in the AAEP’s retention task force.

In the podcast Grice also talked about veterinarian compensation, male vs. female compensation for graduates, pain points in equine veterinary medicine, and the panel discussions at the 2021 AAEP Convention with veterinarians who have left equine practice. 

Grice said Dr. Mike Pownall’s virtual discussion of Collaboration in Practices was very informative and covered practice valuation, corporate investment in equine practices and alternatives to corporate buyouts. Accountant Terry O’Neil walked audiences through practice valuation and how to make practices more attractive to buyers.

She also commented on Dr. Mindy Smith’s discussion of personal finance and highly recommended it to veterinarians young and old.

The Business of Practice podcast is brought to you by CareCredit

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