This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the racing performance of horses treated surgically for epiglottic entrapment as yearlings compared to their maternal half‐siblings.
The medical and race records of 66 Thoroughbred (TB) yearlings treated surgically for epiglottic entrapment by axial division with a hook bistoury or diode laser were analyzed. For each treated horse, two maternal half siblings closest in age were selected as the untreated control cohort. Racing performance was assessed by comparing quarterly starts and earnings, career longevity, rates of racing and earnings. Associations between clinical variables and not racing post‐surgery were evaluated using logistic regression.
In total, 66 treated horses were included in the study, with there being significantly more females than males in the treated group. The proportions of horses that raced were similar in the treated and maternal cohorts, with the treated horses performing to a similar level to their untreated controls. In treated horses, epiglottic entrapment with abnormal right arytenoid movement was associated with never racing.
Bottom line: Thoroughbred racehorses treated in their yearling year for epiglottic entrapment had no differences in performance variables compared to their untreated cohorts.
Authors of this study were Curtiss, A.L.; Aceto, H.; Embertson, R.M.
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