The following is a template for a press release from your practice. You can copy and paste this text into a Word document. There also is a PDF you can download and keep to help remind you what you should have in a press release.
Your press release should include the basics of what your “news” is that you are relaying to your clients or the horse industry.
For example, if you attended the AAEP Convention and want to send out a press release to your clients or the local media, make sure you include:
- Who I am [name and practice]
- What I did [I went to AAEP]
- Where [City, State]
- When [add date]
- Why [To learn more about…]
- My favorite presentations were…
- What this means to you, my client…
- Your name, business name, address and contact information
Here is an example if you add a new surgeon to your practice.
[date, city, state] – [Your news lead goes here. Make sure it is a few short sentences that make up a paragraph that tells what the news is. This is not a feature article; get to the point. If someone only publishes that first paragraph, does it tell the whole story? For example:]
Smith Veterinary Services is happy to announce the addition of John Jones, DVM, DACVS, to our practice. Dr. Jones is a board certified surgeon who will expand our surgical and lameness services to clients in the Parkside, Pennsylvania, area.
[Next add more information about Dr. Jones and your practice; do not use long sentences or paragraphs, and do not exceed one page.]
Dr. Jones brings a wealth of experience in surgical options for our clients, including for equine colic, musculoskeletal issues and severe wound repair. He formerly practiced in Ocala, Florida, for nine years before following his dreams of moving West for a better lifestyle for himself and his family.
[End the press release with a paragraph that lets people know how they can get in touch with you for more information, including your address, phone, email, website and social media.]
To learn more about Smith Veterinary Services and our new surgeon Dr. Jones, feel free to check out our web page at SmitVeterinaryServices.com, learn more about Dr. Jones on our Facebook page, or call us to schedule an introductory appointment to Dr. Jones. We will be having an open house on September 22 so all of our clients can meet Dr. Jones and see our new surgical suite.
[If you send this press release to news media, add an additional paragraph at the bottom that says photos are available by contacting a specific person with email and phone, and let media outlets know that Dr. Jones is available for interviews by contacting a specific person with email and phone.]