The Business of Practice: Work-Life Balance Tips for Veterinarians

In episode 12 of The Business of Practice Podcast, Dr. Amy Grice talks about Work-Life Balance Tips for Veterinarians.

“Gallup did a ‘state of the American workplace poll’ in 2017, and 53% of worker respondents said work-life balance was very important to them,” said Dr. Amy Grice. “But what it means to each person is different.” iStock/Marekuliasz

In episode 12 of The Business of Practice Podcast, Amy Grice, VMD, MBA, talks about Work-Life Balance Tips for Veterinarians. Grice practiced for more than 20 years before starting Veterinary Business Consulting. She advises veterinarians and practice owners on a wide variety of projects and challenges. She also serves as the AAEP Treasurer.




Episode transcript coming soon

The Business of Practice podcast is brought to you by Dechra Veterinary Products.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What does work-life balance mean?
  • Generational differences—Baby Boomers (57-75-year-olds 69.56 million in US), Gen X (41-56 years old; 65.17 million in US), Millennials (25-40 years old, 72.1 million in US), Gen Z 9-24 yo, 67.17 million in US)
  • Boundaries
  • Gender shift changed needs of vets

“Gallup did a ‘state of the American workplace poll’ in 2017, and 53% of worker respondents said work-life balance was very important to them,” said Grice. “But what it means to each person is different. I think for veterinarians, they want to have a chance to have a life outside of their work. And equine veterinarians are known for having the expectation of really long hours and emergency duty requirements. It’s an all-encompassing life. It’s a lifestyle.”

Grice talked about the differences in experiences and expectations among the various generations that was very enlightening and could help those who are hiring or who are looking for jobs and want the work-life balance that suits them.

She also delved into the gender shift in equine veterinary practice.

Grice also emphasized that it is important for people to experience joy and accomplishment every day, with self-care being an important part of daily life.


The Business of Practice podcast is brought to you by Dechra Veterinary Products.

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