Announcing the Launch of Merck Health Matters on


To You, Your Clients, and Your Business

Because we understand that veterinarians and their staffs are focused on providing the best health care to their equine patients, but also need to make a living, EquiManagement and Merck Animal Health are partnering to bring you Merck Health Matters–topical education presented in an entirely different way.

We have chosen four topics to start with that are of importance to equine veterinarians, their staffs and their clients. Then we created short educational videos to help you better understand some portion of that topic. Those videos will be housed on along with audio files from the videos that you can download and listen to on the road. That landing page will contain a plethora of information for equine veterinarians to download and use to educate staff and clients about various aspects of each topic.

For example, the first two topics are equine influenza (on the website now) and biosecurity (the next topic in the series), brought to you by Drs. Bryant Craig and Fairfield Bain, respectively. Both topics are important to the health of your patients, and both can be great starting points for larger service and communication opportunities for your practice.

On the Merck Health Matters landing page you will find downloadable PDFs to help staff and clients understand disease spread at home and at events as well as the importance of management and vaccination; a document that you and your staff can give to clients about Vaccinations and Expectations that is similar to what doctors offices give to clients when they or their children receive treatments, and that document allows you to put in reminders for boosters; and information on how Merck’s product FluAvert IN works and is different from other types of influenza vaccines.

A transcript of each video will appear in EquiManagement magazine and on the Merck Health Matters landing page on

There also will be updated links to peer-reviewed articles for more in-depth reading on each topic as it is applicable.

Having these tools allows equine veterinarians to focus on treating patients while at the same time communicating better with clients and giving staff information they need to help clients better understand the importance of your services and care.

We are happy to unveil Merck Health Matters!

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