At Least 18 Horses Euthanized Due to EEE in Florida

At least 18 horses have been euthanized due to Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) in multiple Florida counties since February.

More than 18 horses in 14 Florida counties have been diagnosed with EEE this year. All of the reported horses were euthanized. iStock/Hagencd

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services reported through the Equine Disease Communication Center that horses in the following counties have had positive cases of Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) since February 2019: Bay, Palm Beach, Gulf, Jackson, Calhoun, Columbia, Madison, Putnam, Citrus, Jackson, Washington, Levy, Pasco, Holmes and Desoto.

Following are reports by county:

Bay County

A 3-year old Quarter Horse stallion had onset of clinical signs February 24. The stallion was euthanized

A 12-year-old Quarter horse gelding had onset of clinical signs on February 26. The gelding was euthanized and was under-vaccinated.

Palm Beach County

A 9-year-old pony mare had onset of clinical signs on February 25. The mare was euthanized.

Gulf County

A weanling Quarter Horse colt had onset of clinical signs on February 27. The colt was vaccinated and was euthanized.

Jackson County

A 10-year-old Quarter Horse mare had onset of clinical signs March 3. The mare was under-vaccinated and was euthanized.

A 2-year-old Paint mare had onset of clinical signs June 19. The mare was under-vaccinated and was euthanized.

Calhoun County

A 20-year-old grade mare had onset of clinical signs March 3. The mare was under-vaccinated and was euthanized.

A weanling Arabian filly had onset of clinical signs March 22. The weanling was under-vaccinated and was euthanized.

Columbia County

A 3-year-old Quarter Horse mare had onset of clinical signs on March 30. The mare was under-vaccinated and was euthanized.

Madison County

A grade mare of unspecified age had onset of clinical signs April 1. The mare was under-vaccinated and was euthanized.

Putnam County

A 2-year-old pony gelding had onset of clinical signs April 28. The gelding was under-vaccinated and was euthanized.

Citrus County

A 4year-old Thoroughbred mare had onset of clinical signs May 11. The mare was under-vaccinated and was euthanized.

Washington County

A 2-year-old Quarter Horse mare had onset of clinical signs on June 19. The mare was euthanized.

Levy County

A 2-year-old Thoroughbred mare had onset of clinical signs on June 19. She was euthanized.

Pasco County

A 7-year-old Quarter Horse gelding was euthanized. The gelding’s date of onset and vaccination status was unknown.

Holmes County

An 8-year-old Quarter Horse stallion had onset of clinical signs June 20. The stallion was unvaccinated and was euthanized.

Desoto County

A 14-year-old Quarter Horse mare had onset of clinical signs on June 23. The mare was unvaccinated and was euthanized.

A 6-year-old Quarter Horse gelding had onset of clinical signs on July 2. The gelding was under-vaccinated and was euthanized.

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