Barbaro Fund Continues to Support Laminitis Research

The Barbaro Fund for Equine Health and Safety Research has disbursed $49,000 to support the second year of a research project on laminitis in 2011, according to NTRA Charities, a subsidiary of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association.

The funds will support “In Vivo Gene Transfer for the Treatment of Laminitis,” a project by Dr. Dean Richardson at the University of Pennsylvania seeking to develop a gene therapy approach to prevent laminitis in the contralateral hoof when a horse is being treated for a musculoskeletal injury.

The balance of Richardson’s horse health project costs in 2011—$14,924—will be funded by the Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation. The Barbaro Fund for Equine Health and Safety Research also supported this project in 2010 through the Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation.

“We are proud to continue our support of this important laminitis project, which has already come up with some promising preliminary data,” says NTRA President and Chief Executive Officer Alex Waldrop, who is also the president of NTRA Charities. “We thank Pfizer Animal Health for its continued strong support of the Barbaro Fund for Equine Health and Safety Research. Pfizer’s generosity—along with the contributions of so many of Barbaro’s fans—have kept Barbaro’s memory alive in this very constructive way.” —NTRA

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