EIA Confirmed in Kansas Horse

A gelding in Stanton County, Kansas, was found positive for equine infectious anemia and was scheduled to be euthanized.

A gelding in Stanton County, Kansas, was to be euthanized after testing positive for EIA. iStockPhotos.com

The Kansas Animal Health Commissioner was notified on June 12 that a horse in southwest Kansas had tested positive for equine infectious anemia (EIA). The gelding, located in Stanton County, was retested by state animal health officials and confirmed positive by national veterinary services laboratory on June 19. The positive horse will be euthanized.

There were two other horses on the premises. Both tested negative and will remain under quarantine pending a 60-day retest. This appears to be an isolated case with no outside exposure.

Information for this report was provided by the Equine Disease Communication Center. You can find more information on EIA here

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