Equine Strangles in Florida and Washington State

Horses at private facilities in Columbia County, Florida, and King County, Washington, were confirmed positive for equine strangles.

A Columbia County, Florida, premises had one confirmed case of equine strangles and fourteen horses were exposed. iStock/Hagen CD

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services confirmed one case of equine strangles in Columbia County at a private facility. Fourteen horses were exposed.

This is the 31st confirmed case of equine strangles for Florida in 2021. 

The Washington State Veterinary Office confirmed a case of equine strangles in King County. Two horses of the farm were suspected of having strangles. iStockPhotos.com

Washington State

The Washington State Veterinary Office confirmed a case of equine strangles in King County. Two horses of the farm were suspected of having strangles.

The owner is working with a veterinarian and practicing biosecurity recommendations.

For more information about Strangles go to the strangles Fact Sheet.

Information for this report was provided by the Equine Disease Communication Center.

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