Golf and Safari Equine Course

VetPD has combined an amazing week-long golf and safari experience June 15-21, 2014, at the 5* Legend Golf & Safari Lodge near Johannesburg. There will be 18 hours of cutting-edge equine lectures, case discussions and practical sessions (all in one venue) with the following internationally renowned speakers: Andy Durham (Liphook Equine Hospital, UK) BSc, BVSc, CertEP, DEIM, DECEIM, MRCVS; Marcus Head (Rossdales, UK) BVetMed, MRCVS; Henry Tremaine (Univ. of Bristol, UK) BVetMed, MPhil, CertES, DECVS, MRCVS; Emmanuel Engeli (Canterbury, UK/CH) Dr.Med.Vet., DVM, DACVS, DECVS, MRCVS.

The Legend Golf & Safari Lodge boasts an award-winning 10-hole and 18-hole golf course and the “Big 5” roam wild and free in their 22,000-hectare game reserve. Monday through Thursday there will be sunrise and sunset safaris/golfing activities and the equine lectures/practical sessions will take place between 10:00–15:30. Every day there will be a fantastic choice of current orthopedic and medicine/soft tissue topics. The 14 hours of Practical Sessions will cover:

  • Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography
  • Gastroscopy
  • Dynamic (over-ground) Upper Resp. Tract Endoscopy
  • Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Endoscopy (incl. BAL/TW)
  • Ocular, Thoracic & Abdominal Ultrasound

The evenings will be free for leisurely wining and dining, to meet up with old friends and to make new ones.

On Friday there won’t be any lectures/practical sessions, instead there is an opportunity for delegates and partners/guests to relax at the pool, play golf or tennis, or explore this beautiful region.

For a detailed lecture and practical program and to register interest, please visit our website.

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