The Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC) offers alerts about equine diseases that have been confirmed by reliable sources. The following information is from the EDCC.
South Carolina New EEE Case
The South Carolina State Veterinarian’s office received laboratory confirmation of one new case of EEE during the week of 6/24/16. The horse, located in Marion County, South Carolina, was euthanized. The total number of confirmed cases in South Carolina in 2016 is now four.
Colorado EIA Positive
On June 23, 2016, the Colorado Department of Agriculture, State Veterinarian’s Office, was notified by the USDA National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) that a non-racing horse presently located at Arapahoe Park in Aurora, Colorado, tested positive for equine infectious anemia (EIA). Confirmatory tests are currently being run. Arapahoe Park is currently under a hold order that restricts movement of horses until an initial investigation is completed by the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA). The affected horse has been in Colorado less than 60 days and came from an out-of-state track. It appears that the horse was infected prior to coming to Colorado and previously tested negative for the disease in May of 2015. Because the disease is most commonly spread by biting flies and it is very early in Colorado’s fly season, the risk of disease transmission to other horses at the track appears to be relatively low.
Texas Releases EHM Quarantine
As of June 22, the premises quarantined for equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM) in Cooke County, Texas, has been released. There are no other reported EHM cases in Texas. The premises was released after more than 14 days of no new cases, and the previously positive horses now test negative for EHV-1.
About EDCC
The Equine Disease Communication Center works to protect horses and the horse industry from the threat of infectious diseases in North America. The communication system is designed to seek and report real time information about disease outbreaks similar to how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) alerts the human population about diseases in people.
The goal of the EDCC is to alert the horse industry about disease outbreak information to help mitigate and prevent the spread of disease. Ultimately frequent and accurate information about diseases outbreaks improves horse welfare and helps to prevent negative economic impact that can result from decreased horse use due to a fear of spreading infection. As part of the National Equine Health Plan the EDCC will serve as part of the communication to help educate and promote research about endemic and foreign disease.
Working in cooperation with state animal health officials and the United State Department of Agriculture, the EDCC seeks information about current disease outbreaks from news media, social media, official state reports and veterinary practitioners. Once information is confirmed, it is immediately posted on this website and messages sent to all states and horse organizations by email. Daily updates are posted until each outbreak is contained or deemed no longer a threat.
The EDCC is made possible by generous donations from organizations and horse owners. Please visit our sponsors that have generously supported this program for the benefit of the health and welfare of horses. To learn how you can help go to SUPPORT.