Launching Equine Tech GCC Conference

Advanced Conferences & Meetings (ACM) is launching Equine Tech GCC conference on 13-14 March 2017 in Dubai, addressing technologies and strategies in breeding, healthcare, transportation and training of horses for the Gulf region.

This conference is a great platform for the equestrian industry, professionals and horse owners, to hear from international and regional experts from across the Gulf. It will feature case studies on the latest innovations in equine care and treatment which are tailored to this region’s climate and conditions.

Equine Tech GCC is the perfect platform to:

  • Learn about the latest technology and equipment available for equestrians and horses to reach their fitness and health goals.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest breeding technologies, treatment and care of horses in the MENA region from leading experts and professionals in the equine industry.
  • Discover future technologies and products in the horse world for stud farms, equestrian clubs and race tracks.
  • Find out more about how to ensure smooth transportation of horses using the state of the art logistics facilities.
  • Achieve optimal horse fitness and health through the implementation of new technologies and products throughout the equine lifecycle including breeding, training, and recovery phases.

Equine Tech GCC 2017 Conferencewill be attended by horse owners, equine facility owners, stud farms, breeders, vets, equine hospitals and equine professionals in the GCC region.

For further information about the conference, please visit

There are currently sponsorship opportunities available for manufacturers and solution providers to showcase their products and services. You can contact or call +971 4 3614001 to find out how your business can benefit from this opportunity.

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