On April 14, the Texas Animal Health Commission confirmed a positive case of equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM) in Glasscock County. The 16-year-old Quarter Horse mare had onset of clinical signs on April 14 that included noticeable neurologic signs. The mare has been quarantined.
The mare had attended a seven-day event at the Brazos County Expo center in Bryan, Texas, starting on April 1. The mare then attended a three-day barrel racing event at the Taylor County Expo Center in Abilene, Texas, starting on April 12. At that time, the Taylor County Expo Center was also hosting a Region II High School Rodeo.
The premises where the mare originates is under quarantine and the positive horse is under the care of a Brazos County veterinary hospital. The mare was quarantined after showing signs of ataxia and other neurologic signs consistent with EHM.
Information for this report was provided by the Equine Disease Communication Center.