On April 02, the Nevada State Veterinarian reported to the Equine Disease Communication Center that a 14-year-old Quarter Horse mare was confirmed with equine herpesvirus (EHV-1) on March 22 in Humboldt County. The horse is alive.
The Nevada State Veterinarian also announced on April 2 that two horses tested last week for EHV-1 in Clark County, Nevada, were negative.
Unfortunately, a positive case in Humboldt County, Nevada, was not reported until April 1. That case was reported above in the Quarter Horse mare. She first exhibited clinical signs on March 21 and was swabbed on March 22, resulting in a positive PCR test for EHV-1 (wild type). The mare was not exhibiting neurological signs and was clinically normal on April 1. An epidemiological trace revealed that this mare was most likely exposed at a rodeo in Fernley on March 8-10. The premise where the mare is housed has a total of five horses and has been placed under quarantine.
The Fallon Jr and Sr High School Rodeo, scheduled for April 5-7, has been postponed.
One additional test from a horse in southern Nevada is pending and results are expected on April 2. More updates will follow from the Nevada State Veterinarian as conditions warrant.