The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine is hosting Indiana State Fair Vet Camp Aug. 1-10 at the Indiana State Fair. There will be two sections of the camp. Junior Vet Camp will be from 9 a.m. until noon daily for students in sixth through eighth grades. Senior Vet Camp is from 1-4 p.m. daily for students in grades nine through 12.
The goal of the camps is to allow participants to experience hands-on skills while learning about the career opportunities in veterinary medicine
Junior Vet Camp participants will explore blood and other items under a microscope and be able to practice surgery skills by suturing up simulated incisions. The hands-on sessions also will offer opportunities to look at radiographs (X rays) to learn what is inside patients. Current Purdue veterinary students will help campers learn about animals and the educational path to veterinary school as well as how to prepare to be a veterinarian.
Senior Vet Campers also will learn and practice their suturing skills, develop physical exam technique and learn how radiographs are made as well as observe a live animal spay or castration surgery on a dog. Purdue veterinary students will talk about veterinary school and career options for veterinarians. Veterinarians work with animals in hospitals, on farms and in zoos. They also use their training to protect human health.
Each camp costs $25 and requires pre-registration. Contact Stephanie Decamp,, or call 317-927-7566 to register.
The veterinary college also will still continue a long tradition of conducting live spay and neuter surgery demonstrations for state fairgoers, but at a new location, the north side of the fairgrounds on Farmers Boulevard. Organized through a collaboration with the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association, the demonstrations will be offered daily at 2 and 5 p.m. during the fair’s Aug. 1-17 run, except on Aug. 7, 12 and 14. The patients are animal shelter pets that need the surgeries as part of the process of being adopted into new homes.