As the devastation unfolds from the war in Ukraine, many in the equine and veterinary communities have asked how they can help. Through The Foundation for the Horse, the charitable arm of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), you can make a financial gift to those providing emergency relief and support, including veterinary organizations and the horses and animals they care for.
The Foundation will be donating all disaster gifts received in March 2022 to trusted veterinary and equine organizations it identifies in Europe providing emergency relief to horses and animals in impacted areas with the capabilities to provide care on the ground.
“Our hearts go out to the animals, their owners and veterinarians impacted by the devastation in Ukraine,” said Dr. Emma Read, president of The Foundation for the Horse and the AAEP. “We are working with veterinary colleagues in Europe to identify trusted organizations who are providing rapid response for equine and animal care in the region.”
While many residents fleeing Ukraine are trying to take their pets and animals with them, thousands of displaced horses, donkeys, burros and other animals remain behind and, like the people of Ukraine, need your help.
Visit The Foundation’s Disaster Relief page to donate and learn more about how we are connecting with veterinary groups and animal charities that are supporting those in need.