Utah Euthanizes Five Horses Due to EIA; Investigation Continues

Equine infectious anemia (EIA) was discovered in a band of feral horses gathered in Uintah County, Utah. Testing is ongoing.

Equine infectious anemia (EIA) was discovered in a band of feral horses gathered in Uintah County, Utah. Testing is ongoing. Google Maps

Utah State Veterinarian has confirmed four cases of equine infectious anemia (EIA) at a fairgrounds in Uintah and euthanized five horses. Eighteen horses were exposed. There is an official quarantine and traceback is ongoing.

These horses were gathered in Uintah County with a band of feral horses and sold through an auction in Uintah County. They were resold a day later in Box Elder County, Utah, to a Kansas buyer, which prompted a Coggins test that was positive. 

Two horses (a mare and foal) were euthanized at the auction. Because the horses originated in a feral band of domestic horses, additional horses were rounded up and three foals were confirmed positive. The foals were euthanized.

There are traces on the horses that went through the auction on the same day and they are negative awaiting a 60-day retest. One trace animal was transported to Colorado and is being tested.

The remaining herd will be assessed and tested. 

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