Kansas Reports Six Positive EIA Horses and First 2017 WNV Case

Kansas has reported six cases of EIA and the first 2017 case of equine WNV in the state.

Six horses were diagnosed with EIA in Finney County, Kansas. iStockPhotos.com

Over the weekend Kansas reported six horses positive for EIA in Finney County at one facility that is now under quarantine. The affected horses were to have been euthanized. The Kansas Department of Agriculture Division of Animal Health (KDA–DAH) has placed the remaining horses at the facility under quarantine, and they will be observed and retested in 60 days. 

For more info go to that KDA-DAH website at http://www.agriculture.ks.gov/divisions-programs/division-of-animal-health.

For more information on EIA you can download this EIA fact sheet from Iowa’s Food Security and & Public Health.  

The first positive equine EIA case was diagnosed in Reno County, Kansas. iStockPhotos.com

The KDA–DAH also confirmed that a horse in Reno County, Kansas, tested positive for West Nile virus (WNV) and was euthanized due to the severity of the illness. This is the first reported equine case of WNV in Kansas for 2017. The KDA-DAH encouraged horse owners to vaccinate their horses to prevent the spread of WNV. For more information from the KDA-DAH visit their website at http://www.agriculture.ks.gov/divisions-programs/division-of-animal-health.

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