Kester News Hour and Milne Lecture AAEP 2017 Virtual Issue

Here are links to the full research papers discussed at the 2017 AAEP Convention Kester News Hour and Milne Lecture.


Kester News Hour

The following papers were selected for discussion at the Kester News Hour at the Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners held in San Antonio, Texas,  November 17–21, 2017.


Outcome of horses undergoing navicular bursotomy for the treatment of contaminated or septic navicular bursitis: 19 cases (2002–2016)
D. G. Suarez-Fuentes, S. S. Caston, D. M. Tatarniuk, K. D. Kersh and N. R. Ferrero

Do different characteristics of two emasculators make a difference in equine castration?
F. Comino, G. Giusto, V. Caramello and M. Gandini

Heritability and prevalence of selected osteochondrosis lesions in yearling Thoroughbred horses
J. Russell, O. Matika, T. Russell and R. J. M. Reardon

Clinical study evaluating the accuracy of injecting the distal tarsal joints in the horse
K. A. Seabaugh, K. T. Selberg, P. O. E. Mueller, R. B. Eggleston, J. F. Peroni, K. M. Claunch, H. J. Markwell and G. M. Baxter


The effect of mare obesity and endocrine function on foal birthweight in Thoroughbreds
S. Smith, C.M. Marr, C. Dunnett and N.J. Menzies-Gow


Outcomes after medical and surgical interventions in horses with temporohyoid osteoarthropathy
P. Espinosa, J. E. Nieto, K. E. Estell, P. H. Kass and M. Aleman

Highlights of recent clinically relevant papers
S. Wright

Frank J. Milne State-of-the Art Lecture

Anatomical studies of maxillary cheek teeth infundibula in clinically normal horses
C. M. Fitzgibbon, N. Du Toit and P. M. Dixon

A light microscopic and ultrastructural examination of calcified dental tissues of horses: 1. The occlusal surface and enamel thickness
S. Kilic, P. M. Dixon and S. A. Kempson

A light microscopic and ultrastructural examination of calcified dental tissues of horses: 2. Ultrastructural enamel findings
S. Kilic, P. M. Dixon and S. A. Kempson

A light microscopic and ultrastructural examination of calcified dental tissues of horses: 3. Dentine
S. Kilic, P. M. Dixon and S. A. Kempson

A light microscopic and ultrastructural examination of calcified dental tissues of horses: 4. Cement and the amelocemental junction
S. Kilic, P. M. Dixon and S. A. Kempson

Equine dental disease Part 3: a long-term study of 400 cases: disorders of wear, traumatic damage and idiopathic fractures, tumours and miscellaneous disorders of the cheek teeth
P. M. Dixon, W. H. Tremaine, Kirstie Pickles, Lorna Kuhns, Carlyn Hawe, Jacqui Mccann, B. C. Mcgorum, D. I. Railton and Stephanie Brammer

Two- and three-dimensional computed tomographic anatomy of the enamel, infundibulae and pulp of 126 equine cheek teeth. Part 1: Findings in teeth without macroscopic occlusal or computed tomographic lesions
Z. Windley, R. Weller, W. H. Tremaine and J. D. PerkinsPost mortem survey of peripheral dental caries in 510 Swedish horses
I. Gere and P. M. Dixon

Equine dental disease Part 2: a long-term study of 400 cases: disorders of development and eruption and variations in position of the cheek teeth
P. M. Dixon, W. H. Tremaine, Kirstie Pickles, Lorna Kuhns, Carlyn Hawe, Jacqui Mccann, B. C. Mcgorum, D.I. Railton and Stephanie Brammer

Equine idiopathic cheek teeth fractures. Part 1: Pathological studies on 35 fractured cheek teeth
I. Dacre, S. Kempson and P. M. Dixon

Some Aspects of Equine Dental Disease
Gordon J. Baker

Post mortem survey of dental disorders in 349 donkeys from an aged population (2005–2006). Part 1: Prevalence of specific dental disorders
N. du Toit, J. Gallagher, F. A. Burden and P. M. Dixon

Equine dental disease Part 4: a long-term study of 400 cases: apical infections of cheek teeth
N. du Toit, J. Gallagher, F. A. Burden and P. M. Dixon
P. M. Dixon, W. H. Tremaine, K. Pickles, L. Kuhns, C. Hawe, J. Mccann, B. C. Mcgorum, D. I. Railton and S. Brammer

Orthodontic correction of overjet/overbite (‘parrot mouth’) in 73 foals (1999–2013)
J. Easley, P. M. Dixon and R. J. M. Reardon

Treatment of equine cheek teeth by mechanical widening of diastemata in 60 horses (2000–2006)
P. M. Dixon, S. Barakzai, N. Collins and J. Yates

A long-term study on the clinical effects of mechanical widening of cheek teeth diastemata for treatment of periodontitis in 202 horses (2008–2011) P. M. Dixon, S. Ceen, T. Barnett, J. M. O’Leary, T. D. Parkin and S. Barakzai

Treatment of oromaxillary fistulae in nine standing horses (2002–2006)
C. S. Hawkes, J. Easley, S. Z. Barakzai and P. M. Dixon

Dental dysplasia and oligodontia in a Thoroughbred colt
P. H. L. Ramzan, P. M. Dixon, S. A. Kempson and P. D. Rossdale

Comparison of mandibular motion in horses chewing hay and pellets
S. J. Bonin, H. M. Clayton, J. L. Lanovaz and T. Johnston

Equine idiopathic cheek teeth fractures: Part 2: A practice-based survey of 147 affected horses in Britain and Ireland
L. Taylor and P. M. Dixon

Equine idiopathic cheek teeth fractures: Part 3: A hospital-based survey of 68 referred horses (1999–2005)
P. M. Dixon, S. Z. Barakzai, N. M. Collins and J. Yates

Two- and three-dimensional computed tomographic anatomy of the enamel, infundibulae and pulp of 126 equine cheek teeth. Part 2: Findings in teeth with macroscopic occlusal or computed tomographic lesions
Z. Windley, R. Weller, W. H. Tremaine and J. D. Perkins

Post mortem survey of peripheral dental caries in 510 Swedish horses
I. Gere and P. M. Dixon

An epidemiological survey on the prevalence of equine peripheral dental caries in the United Kingdom and possible risk factors for its development D. Borkent, R. J. M. Reardon, G. McLachlan, S. Smith and P. M. Dixon

Occlusal fissures of the equine cheek tooth: Prevalence, location and association with disease in 91 horses referred for dental investigation
P. H. L. Ramzan and L. Palmer

Empyema of the nasal conchal bulla as a cause of chronic unilateral nasal discharge in the horse: 10 cases (2013–2014)
P. M. Dixon, T. Froydenlund, T. Luiti, J. Kane-Smyth, A. Horbal and R. J. M. Reardon

Evaluation and clinical use of an intraoral inferior alveolar nerve block in the horse
T. Henry, N. Pusterla, A. G. P. Guedes and F. J. M. Verstraete

Some observations on the value of ageing 5–7-year-old horses by examination of their incisor teeth
J. P. Walmsley

The aetiopathogenesis of equine periodontal disease – a fresh perspective
R. S. Kennedy and P. M. Dixon

A study of open-mouthed oblique radiographic projections for evaluating lesions of the erupted (clinical) crown
S. Z. Barakzai and P. M. Dixon

Equine peripheral and infundibular dental caries: A review and proposals for their investigation
D. Borkent and P. M. Dixon

A review of equine paranasal sinusitis. Aetiopathogenesis, clinical signs and ancillary diagnostic techniques
J. M. O’Leary and P. M. Dixon

Description of a technique for orthograde endodontic treatment of equine cheek teeth with apical infections
T. Lundström and O. Wattle

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