Our 2020 Spring EquiManagement issue focused on coverage of the 2019 AAEP Convention. In the cover story on page 16 that focused on health and research topics, we highlight a variety of presentations.
On page 16 we cover the endocrine disease discoveries table topic that was moderated by Nick Frank, DVM, PhD, and Hal Schott II, DVM, PhD, DACVIM. Topic discussions included:
- refractory cases of pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID)
- equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) horses that develop PPID
horses with ACTH results that don’t match the horse’s clinical appearance
original research on pergolide (Prascend)
monitoring and testing during Pergolide treatment
TRH stimulation test
leptin as an aid to diagnosis
managing horses that don’t tolerate Prascend (about 5% of horses treated with pergolide might experience appetite suppression from the medication)
magnesium, yro-L, metformin
stop-and-start pergolide treatment
SGL2 inhibitors
gray horses (research in Europe indicates there might be a difference in their ACTH levels compared to non-gray horses)
On page 20 we cover a drug-free method of estrous control for horses was described during the Kester News Hour during the 2019 AAEP Convention and is covered in this section.
On page 22 we cover Mitigation of 100-Mile Ride Fatalities in endurance racing.
On page 24 we cover Intra-Articular Anesthesia of the Stifle.
Toxic Effects of Amikacin on Joints research is presented on page 26, as is Stifle Arthroscopy in Western Performance Horses.
The AAEP Infectious Disease Committee Report can be found on page 29. Among topics of discussion in this report:
- AAEP website articles reviewed
- equine influenza
- blood products
- infectious disease reporting rules
- equine import centers
- Private Labs and EDCC
Dipyrone launched
serology guidelines
One AAEP presentation covered on page 34 looked at a new management tool: Polyacrylamide Hydrogel for Intercarpal Osteoarthritis (brought to you by SHV LLC).
On page 42 we continue our AAEP Convention coverage of vet wellness highlights in Quality of Life and Career Satisfaction. Topics include:
- Personal Wellness
- Avoiding Burnout
On page 46 we cover some of the many outstanding business presentations from the 2019 AAEP Convention, including:
- Genderspeak: Working Together Successfully
- Ethics
- Business News Hour
On page 54 in our Research Spotlight, we look at Novel Management for Headshaking.
EquiManagement also teamed with Soft-Ride to bring you coverage of the 2019 NEAEP Symposium on page 36. Topics covered included:
- Shoeing for Sporthorse Injuries: My Point of View, from Roger K. W. Smith, MA,
VetMB, PhD, DipECVSMR, DipECVS, FRCVS, is professor of Equine Orthopaedics at the Royal Veterinary College in the UK.
Hind Limb Proximal Suspensory Desmitis from Kent Allen, ISELP certified, and the owner of Virginia Equine Imaging in Middleburg, Virginia
Laminitis from Andrew van Eps, BVSc PhD DACVIM, of the University of Pennsylvania’s New Bolton Center.
Cooling to Prevent Laminitis, also from Dr. van Eps
In our Keeping Up section, we covered research on:
- Rhodococcus Vaccine
Colic Following Gastroscopy
DMSO Effects on Gastric Emptying
Owner-Observed Clinical Signs Associated with Intestinal Sand
In our Business Briefs department on page 14 we covered Social Media Marketing.