On the Merck Health Matters Equine Influenza landing page you will find the topics and resources that Merck and EquiManagement are bringing to you. Resources include infographics and downloadable PDFs to help staff and clients better understand the topic.

For the topic of Influenza, Dr. Bryant Craig of Merck presents information in a short video about the disease and how to talk to owners about this problem.
There also is a downloadable document that you and your staff can give to clients about Vaccinations and Expectations that is similar to what doctors offices give to clients when they or their children receive treatments, and that document allows you to put in reminders for boosters. There is also information on how Merck’s product FluAvert IN works and is different from other types of influenza vaccines.
There also are links to peer-reviewed articles for more in-depth reading on each topic as it is applicable.
More videos and resources will be coming each month for the remainder of 2016.
Make sure and visit Merck Health Matters Equine Influenza landing page.