The Winning-Edge Puts Breakthrough Science into the Hands of Practicing Veterinarians

Equine NutriceuticalsRx, LLC invites practicing equine veterinarians to participate in a unique limited-time offer by covering the cost to run a breakthrough new proinflammatory cytokine diagnostic while trialing The Winning-Edge nutraceutical. Samples will run independently by a designated academic research laboratory.

This offer is only extended to practicing equine veterinarians so they may clinically validate their patient experiences firsthand with this new and unique nutraceutical. This protocol mirrors data previously published in a similar study, “The Effect of Exercise and Nutritional Supplementation on Proinflammatory Cytokine Expression in Young Racehorses During Training.”1

Exciting new diagnostic technology has pioneered the detection and measurement of specific pre-inflammatory cytokine gene expression in equine and their correlation to inflammation. Equine athletes exhibit evidence of increased inflammation subsequent to exercise as characterized by increased expression of mRNA for TNF-α, IL-1β, IL6 along with other proprietary markers in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

An increase in inflammatory mediators during training is associated with a failure to adapt to exercise leading to reduced athletic performance and increased risk to injury. This correlation has since been validated through testing thousands of horses in ongoing studies.1

Equine Nutriceuticals utilized this proinflammatory cytokine technology in a double-blind trial with 25 Thoroughbred racehorses to assess, “The effect of exercise and nutritional supplementation on proinflammatory cytokine expression in young racehorses in training.” The study proved The Winning-Edge nutraceutical had a statistically significant reduction of proinflammatory mediators. This patented and proprietary supplement contains potent antioxidant nutrients and anti-inflammatory agents associated with, “An enhanced adaptation to exercise in terms of a significant reduction in proinflammatory cytokine expression before and after exercise.” 1

This limited-time offer gives participating veterinarians the opportunity to personally validate the clinical evidence demonstrating The Winning-Edge nutraceutical’s benefit of supporting reduced exercise-induced inflammatory pathologies in horses.

To qualify, veterinarians must agree to treat a minimum of five (5) horses with The Winning-Edge supplement, two (2) packets per day for 1 month, while drawing blood samples pre- and postvigorous exercise on days 0 and 30. All samples will be sent directly to a leading independent academic diagnostic lab and the results will be distributed directly from the diagnostic center to the participating practice. Horses continuing on the supplement after day 30 only require one (1) packet per day to maintain a healthy pro-inflammatory state.

Dan Kramer, Equine NutriceuticalsRx’s CEO notes, “Our products are only available through licensed veterinarians with a valid client-patient relationship. This offer is part of our commitment to support all of our products with evidenced based medicine as documented by published scientific research.”

To participate in this science based promotion or for more information, please call 844-EQUINE-1 (844-378-4631) or visit the Equine Nutriceuticals’ website at

Equine NutriceuticalsRx is committed to helping maintain the overall health and well-being of all horses, companion animals and humans, through patented and proprietary innovations with preventative and restorative, nutraceutical ingredient-based, targeted products and programs. For more information visit

1. Horohov. D., et al. The effect of exercise and nutritional supplementation on proinflammatory cytokine expression in young racehorses during training. JEVS. 2012, Mar 17.

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