EIA In Four Texas Counties

Equine infectious anemia (EIA) has been reported in multiple horses in Texas.

EIA has been confirmed in Bastrop, Dallas, Kaufman and Wilson Counties in Texas. IStockPhotos.com

On March 8, 2018, Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) reported a confirmed equine infectious anemia (EIA) case in Bastrop County to the EDCC. Since that time, two additional horses from the quarantined premises were confirmed positive for EIA. The positive horses were euthanized and the premises will remain under quarantine until requirements for release have been met.

On June 13, TAHC officials confirmed EIA in two Wilson County Quarter Horses, two Kaufman County Quarter Horses and one Dallas County Quarter Horse. 

The Wilson and Dallas County horses have been euthanized. All exposed horses are being tested, and all premises will remain under quarantine until requirements for release have been met. 

The Kaufman County horses are currently being maintained on the quarantined premises and the premises will remain under quarantine until requirements for release have been met.


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