The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services reported confirmation of equine strangles in Leon, Sarasota and Alachua Counties.
In Leon County at a boarding facility, one horse was confirmed with equine strangles on January 5. The horse was showing clinical signs of swollen and draining lymph nodes. The horse was affected and alive at the time of this report. There are 33 exposed horses at the facility, where there is an official quarantine.
In Sarasota County at a boarding facility, one horse was confirmed with equine strangles on January 14. It had onset of clinical signs on January 9 that included a purulent nasal discharge. The horse was affected and alive at the time of this report. There were 15 horses exposed at the facility.
In Alachua County, a horse was confirmed positive for equine strangles on January 8. The horse had clinical signs that included swollen lymph nodes and purulent nasal discharge. Two horses at that facility were exposed.
For a Fact Sheet on equine strangles, click here.
Information for this report was provided by the Equine Disease Communication Center.