Episode 31 of the Daily Vet Life podcast discusses The Role of Horse Organizations in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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Federal lobbying and advocacy work are the focus of the American Horse Council’s mission in protecting the interests of the horse industry in Washington. The AHC works with state horse councils and operates the United Horse Coalition, which is responsible for helping horses at risk or in transition.
Broadway encourages everyone to sign up for the AHC’s Congressional Cavalry. AHC lets members of the Cavalry know when action on federal issues is needed and how to contact their members of Congress via AHC ACTION ALERTS. There is no cost to join the Cavalry, and you will only receive Action Alerts from the AHC when your grassroots involvement is necessary.
In this week’s episodes, from May 11-15, we speak to Broadway and Bryan Brendle, Director of Legislative Affairs at the American Horse Council. Topics are:
- The Role of Horse Organizations in the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Horse Industry Economics Pre- and Post-Pandemic
- Re-Opening the Equine Industry
- Update on the CARES Act
- CARES Act 2.0
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